Monday 26 March 2012

Final Images

Refined Concept Ideas

  • Brick vs house/ old vs new/ present vs past
  • Juxtaposition of materials, old and new
  • Coexist- share the same space physically but represent two different planes of time
  • House = current/ in the present, active( shown by the presence of people that occupy the home i.e. washing on the line
  • Brick structure = past, the origins of the site ( foundation), legacy of Truby King, preserved by overgrowth that naturalises it rather than hiding or obstructing its physical qualities - gives it a sense of life
  • Transition in landscape - foliage, brick, wood, fabric. -Geographical hierarchy
  • Framing - links transition - overlapping elements in each photo

Miniworld 2

This miniworld worked much better as it had more concrete at the bottom.

Panorama Two

I used the auto-merge for this one which worked quite well although my exposure changed between images so it was hard to match up

Sunday 25 March 2012


I didn't have enough sky or ground in my image so it didn't work properly and i had to do a lot of editing, but i still think it looks kinda cool.

Third Shoot

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Bruno Barbey

Turkey, Istanbul, Subway 2009

Brazil, Belem, The Amazon River 2008

I was drawn to the way Bruno Barbey uses framing in his images. The way he uses one object to frame another is quite interesting.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Proposal Ideas

  • ·      Culture/context: Truby King- idealistic, socially aware/public figure/institution, gardener- aesthetic awareness, use of brick?
  • ·      Where: Truby King Park, Melrose (upper monument/private house)
  • ·      What: reflects idealistic qualities- serenity, safe/pure. Preserved- historical, yet timeless (more beautiful over time, overgrowth preserving/adding to that beauty), juxtaposition of old and new (park and house). Presence- on ‘Mount Melrose’, panoramic view of evans bay/Kilbirnie (industrial areas- not aesthetically pleasing), natural vs. industrial/structural- witness to regional change but has kept its beauty and presence.
  • ·      How: light- contrasts, shadow. Framing- foliage and structures. 

First Shoot